OKW Lista de productos
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Hand-Held Case for variable use with manageable operation and display area, for display and graphic modules. Recesed operation area for …
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Two-part case. The bottom part can be fixed directly to the wall, the top part is fixed by screws from …
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Two-piece case. Top part with ventilation slots and open side base. Fastenings pillars for PCB mounting.
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Complete case. Ideally suited to accommodate double-Eurocards 233.4 x 160 mm. Two identical shells are joined together so that they …
Obtener productoOKW
Enclosure for single-handed operation. Recessed control panel for operating elements or display modules. Fastening pillars for PCBs in the top …
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Snap-in panel without slots for the top. For locking in the case shells.
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Ergonomically shaped enclosure to wear on the body. Recessed operating area in order to protect the membrane keyboards. Plane area …
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Robust pocket box without sealing. Recessed control area for membrane keyboards. Screw pillars prepared for mounting PCBs in the top …
Obtener productoOKW
Complete case. Ideally suited to accommodate double-Eurocards 233.4 x 160 mm. Two identical shells are joined together so that they …
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