OKW Lista de productos
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Ergonomically shaped enclosure to wear on the body. Recessed operating area in order to protect the membrane keyboards. Plane area …
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Small hand-held case with excellent design. With recessed area, e.g. for membrane keyboards, control elements. Cut-out section for digital and …
Obtener productoOKW
Ergonomically shaped enclosure to wear on the body. Recessed operating area in order to protect the membrane keyboards. Plane area …
Obtener productoOKW
Modern small enclosure specifically designed for "wearable technologies". Three-part design consisting of highly polished top and bottom parts and a …
Obtener productoOKW
Convenient hand held case suitable for the mounting of changeable battery compartments (battery compartment and holder as accessory). Large display …
Obtener productoOKW
Enclosure with two operating panels rectangular to each other, optionally for single or dual use. Front part recessed 1.4 mm. …
Obtener productoOKW
Base for the practical storage of DATEC-COMPACT L, with and without battery compartment. Ideal for charging mobile devices and transmitting …
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