OKW Lista de productos
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Impact strong case. With elastic side panels. Therefore only partly resistant to deformation.
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Convenient hand held case suitable for the mounting of changeable battery compartments (battery compartment and holder as accessory). Large display …
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For attaching to the belt or belt strap (lengthwise or crosswise). Max. dimensions of the belt strap/belt: 35 mm high, …
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Suitable for all versions (except Euro Plug versions), for secure wall mounting of the enclosures (machining lid/bases necessary).
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Enclosure-kit: DATEC-CONTROL XS, version II with machining for the locator of the 6-pin contacts and secure connection, 1 base XS, …
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Robust pocket-box without sealing. Recessed control area for membrane keyboards. Screw pillars prepared for mounting PCBs in the top and …
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Ergonomically shaped enclosure to wear on the body. Recessed operating area in order to protect the membrane keyboards. Plane area …
Obtener productoOKW
Three-part enclosure in ergonomic design. Easy to carry. Carrying strap and hand strap as accessories.TPE ring for a pleasant touch …
Obtener productoOKW
Strong enclosure with handle, slim version. Ideal for the installation of tablet computers and the like, which have modest space …
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