RAFI Lista de productos
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Features Key switch with low height Low mounting depth 9.2 mm (PCB) or 27 mm (QC) Connection types: printed circuit …
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LUMOTAST 16 Push button, black, 1 NO, Bezel black, mounting diameter 16,2 mm
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Square plunger 14.5 mm, mechanical stop limit, white, GH 9.55 mm. Applications Measurement-control-regulation Mechanical and system engineering Automotive Signalling systems …
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By using the RAFI MICON 5 short-stroke pushbutton, RAMO 22 T offers tactile feedback with a clear key click. Thanks …
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Features Gold contacts, reliable switching with low currents Special tactile feedback Terminal technology: THT Applications Measurement-control-regulation Mechanical and system engineering …
Obtener productoRAFI
The switching element is first snapped into the coupling then onto the actuating element or the signal lamp. To release, …
Obtener productoRAFI
Features Opaque mushroom, not illuminable Mushroom diameter 40 mm Robust - suitable also for operation with gloves Degree of protection: …
Obtener productoRAFI
Features Gold contacts, reliable switching with low currents Special tactile feedback Terminal technology: THT Applications Measurement-control-regulation Mechanical and system engineering …
Obtener productoRAFI
Features Gold contacts, reliable switching with low currents Special tactile feedback Terminal technology: SMD Applications Measurement-control-regulation Mechanical and system engineering …
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