RAFI Lista de productos
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MICON 5, square plunger 11 mm, white, L 9.55 mm Application Measurement control regulation Mechanical and system engineering Automotive Signalling …
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MICON 5, square plunger 11 mm, blue, L 12.5 mm Application Measurement control regulation Mechanical and system engineering Automotive Signalling …
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Protective collar for emergency stop. Applications Measurement-control-regulation Electrical engineering Mechanical and system engineering Industrial robots
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Keylock switch with various switching positions and M12 terminal FEATURES Precise haptics Safe gold contacts Simple M12 plug connection Protected …
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MICON 5, round plunger 6 mm, L 7.15 mm Application Measurement control regulation Mechanical and system engineering Automotive Signalling systems
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The shape and function of the mushroom pushbutton correspond to those of an emergency stop, but it has a black …
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Collar shape: round, mounting: threaded ring, color: slate gray, protection class: IP65
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Features Gold contacts, reliable switching with low currents Special tactile feedback High packing density due to small form factor Terminal …
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The design of the actuator protects the emergency stop button from interlocking. This means that an initiated emergency stop procedure …
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