RAFI Lista de productos
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The 5003507261502 is a green bezel with front ring and has measurement-control-regulation. Applications Electrical engineering Mechanical and system engineering Signalling …
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Non-illuminated selector switch with IP65 degree of protection, black.
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RAFIX 16 F keylock switch, with momentary contact function, opaque black.
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The 5492290061402 is a yellow bezel with screw-on lens and has measurement-control-regulation. Applications Electrical engineering Mechanical and system engineering Signalling …
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For soldering into printed circuit boards. The PCB with the plug-in sockets is plugged onto the switching elements/lamp holders. No …
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The locking system is open, mechanical systems which depending on the environmental conditions, require occasional maintenance by the machine or …
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RAFIX control units are modular units consisting of several parts. In the RAFIX 22 QR family, they always consist of …
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Keylock switch, 16.2 mm, round collar, 1 NO, Gold, Solder terminal, 2 x 90°, latching, key removal position 0. Applications …
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RAFIX control devices are modular units consisting of several parts. In the RAFIX 16 family, they always consist of an …
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RAFIX 16, signal indicator, square collar, protruding bezel, bezel green Features Signal indicator Illumination with SMT LED Low installation depth …
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