RAFI Lista de productos
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The USB feed-through guarantees a stable installation of an easily-accessible USB slot in the front panels of control units and …
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The 5580950190000 is a spare key special types, Locking SSG1, 1 Key.
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The 5307591030000 is a triangular blue spacer with 4.75 mm length.
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RACON, square plunger 14 mm, L 4.8 mm Applications Measurement-control-regulation Mechanical and system engineering Automotive Signalling systems Vehicle construction Handheld …
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RAFIX control units are modular units consisting of several parts. In the RAFIX 22 QR family, they always consist of …
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The 5700970101001 is a printed C-LAB labeling sheet with electrical engineering and has measurement-control-regulation. Applications Mechanical and system engineering Signalling …
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RACON, round plunger 19 mm, L 4.7 mm Applications Measurement-control-regulation Mechanical and system engineering Automotive Signalling systems Vehicle construction Handheld …
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Non-illuminated selector switch with IP65 degree of protection, black.
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The RS 76 long-travel keyswitches for mounting keyboards are characterized by their height of 15.5 / 15.9 mm and a …
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RAFIX 16 selector switch, square collar, illuminated, with latching contact function.
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