RAFI Lista de productos
Descubre la alta calidad de los productos de RAFI a precios competitivos. Con la garantía de PARTS HUB LLC, estamos aquí para satisfacer tus necesidades industriales con una amplia gama de productos, desde sensores hasta válvulas, conectores hasta motores y acoplamientos.
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The locking system is open, mechanical systems which depending on the environmental conditions, require occasional maintenance by the machine or …
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By using the RAFI MICON 5 short-travel keyswitch, RAMO 30T T offers tactile feedback with a clear key click. Due …
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By using the RAFI MICON 5 short-stroke pushbutton, RAMO 30 T offers tactile feedback with a clear key click. Thanks …
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Features Gold contacts, reliable switching with low currents Special tactile feedback Different operating forces Variable overall heights due to plunger …
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LUMOTAST 16 Push button, illuminated, yellow, 1 NO, Bezel metallisiert, mounting diameter 16,2 mm
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Selector switch with various switching positions and M12 terminal FEATURES Precise haptics Safe gold contacts Simple M12 plug connection Protected …
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RAFIX 16 standard switching element is designed for actuators with one switching direction (pushbuttons, mushroom pushbuttons and toggle switches). The …
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Pushbutton, flush lens, square collar Features Low-profile design Degree of protection IP 65 on panel Grid spacing 25 x 25 …
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RAFIX 16 actuating element has the specified tactility, reset and function only when assembled with the appropriate switching elements. The …
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The RF 15 H silver tactile switch has a 19 x 19 mm edge length, reliable silver contacts and a …
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