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The sponge S7751 is the softest cleaning method to eliminate excess in any soldering or rework job. It allows you …
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The fume extractor is an easy & safe solution to suck the fume generated at the solder joint. It is …
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CDE-2BQA is the first system that measures the delivered energy during the soldering process. It will help to improve the …
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Flexible extraction hose which connects the fume extractor FAE2-5A to the flexible arm.
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The cartridge has a 21 mm wide blade tip. It is appropriate for general soldering purposes and it is perfect …
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HT-SF Stand works with HT420 Thermal Tweezers and DI, DDE and DME Control Units. The intelligent heat management automatically detects …
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The cartridge is appropriate for intensive soldering purposes and it is perfect for both SMD and applications with high power …
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The DDSE station is a complete solution for reworking circuits with the T245 all-purpose handle and the DR560 desoldering iron. …
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RMSE-2QF is the quickest and safest solution for soldering and rework, also using hot air. It consists of stackable modules …
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The cartridge is appropriate for general soldering purposes and works with T245 Handpieces. Features Excellent heat transfer Great durability
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