JBC Lista de productos
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This powerful high performance hot air station can repair all types of SMDs quickly and safely. Also suitable for the …
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The cartridge is appropriate for general soldering purposes and it is perfect for both SMD components or for applications with …
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The cartridge works with micro tweezers which enables to align the cartridges according to the user needs. Features Excellent heat …
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The cartridge is appropriate for general soldering purposes and it is perfect for both SMD components or for applications with …
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The DME touch screen control unit allows simultaneous working with up to 4 tools. By using the flat screen and …
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The cartridge is specially appropiate for desoldering dual In-line packages. Features Excellent heat transfer Great durability
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The cartridge is appropriate for general soldering purposes and it is perfect for both SMD components or for applications with …
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The DR560-A is used for desoldering jobs of through-hole components and removing excess solder after SMD rework. It can provide …
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The W440021 is specially designed for stripping high temperature wire insulation made of thermostable materials such as Teflon*, Kapton*, silicone …
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