JBC Lista de productos
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Manual solder paste dispenser, precise dosage, ideal for SMT rework. DPM is the perfect accessory for precision solder paste dispensing …
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Features The T210-A Precision Purpose Handle works exclusively with DI, DDE , DME, CD-SQ and CD-BQ. It requires the AD-SE …
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CP-2F desoldering station for small and medium SMD soldering jobs. It is equipped with very delicate micro tweezers, which heat …
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The JBC FAE1 smoke extractor has a compact three-layer filter This replacement for the compact filter includes HEPA filter, carbon …
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FAE is the most efficient solution to avoid solder fumes thanks to its unique system integrated into the stand. Once …
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The intelligent heat management automatically detects the tool in the stand and reduces the tip temperature below the solder melting …
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The NT115-A provides the highest precision when soldering SMDs. The short-distance tip-to-grip provides greater manual control of the tool, including …
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This product is ideal for soldering and reworking the smallest SMD. It improves the soldering quality thanks to JBC Intelligent …
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The cartridge is specially appropiate for desoldering chip components. Features Excellent heat transfer Great durability
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The AM120-A it provides a perfect solution for fast and precise SMD rework of chip components and small/medium SOP from …
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