Vishay Lista de productos
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The TLUR4401 is a universal LED with Ø 3 mm tinted diffused package. Features For DC and pulse operatio Luminous …
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The SFH601-1 has a GaAs infrared emitting diode emitter, which is optically coupled to a silicon planar phototransistor detector, and …
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The CNY65A consist of a phototransistor optically coupled to a gallium arsenide infrared-emitting diode in a 4 pin plastic package. …
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The TLHG4400 is developed for standard applications like general indicating and lighting purposes. This product is housed in a 3 …
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The SFH618A-4 features a high current transfer ratio, low coupling capacitance and high isolation voltage. This product has a GaAs …
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The TLHR5405 is developed for standard applications like general indicating and lighting purposes. This product is housed in a 3 …
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The SFH615A-1 features a variety of transfer ratios, low coupling capacitance and high isolation voltage. This product has a GaAs …
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The SFH6286-3T features a high current transfer ratio, low coupling capacitance and high isolation voltage. This product has a GaAs …
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The TLHY4205 is developed for standard applications like general indicating and lighting purposes. This product is housed in a 3 …
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The SFH610A-1 features a high current transfer ratio, low coupling capacitance and high isolation voltage. This product has a GaAs …
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