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The SFH6345 is an optocoupler with a GaAlAs infrared emitting diode, optically coupled to an integrated photo detector consisting of …
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The BRT12H consists of AC optocoupler non-zero voltage detectors consisting of two electrically insulated lateral power ICs which integrate a …
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The 4N33 is optically coupled isolator with a gallium arsenide infrared LED and a solicon photodarlington sensor. Switching can be …
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The SFH636 is an optocoupler with a GaAlAs infrared emitting diode, optically coupled to an integrated photo detector consisting of …
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The TLHG4205 is developed for standard applications like general indicating and lighting purposes. This product is housed in a 3 …
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The CNY17F-40PT1+6 is an optocoupler consisting of a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a silicon planar phototransistor …
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The SFH628A-4 features a high current transfer ratio, low coupling capacitance and high isolation voltage. This product has a GaAs …
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The TLUV5300 is a bicolor LED in Ø 5 mm untinted diffused package. Features Even luminance of the emitting surface …
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The H11A1 is an industry standard single channel phototransistor coupler. Each optocoupler consists of gallium arsenide infrared LED and a …
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The ILQ55 is optically coupled isolator with gallium arsenide infrared emitters and silicon photodarlington sensors. Switching can be achieved while …
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