Raychem Lista de productos
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RNF-3000-9/3-3-STK is a flexible, high-shrink-ratio, flame-retardant, general purpose, polyolefin tubing. This product is used for insulation and strain relief of …
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D-SCE-1K-6.4-50-4 is the market leading fluid resistant heat shrinking wire marker. It is used in applications where exposure to organic …
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This heat shrink boot is designed to be used in conjunction with other System 25 components such as DR-25 tubing …
Obtener productoRaychem
SRFR-4/2.9-8-SP is a highly flexible and resistant to high and low temperatures. Unlike other silicone materials, this product displays outstanding …
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This heat shrink boot is designed to be used in conjunction with other System 25 components such as DR-25 tubing …
Obtener productoRaychem
This heat shrink boot is designed to be used in conjunction with other System 25 components such as DR-25 tubing …
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RNF-3000-24/8-7-SP is a flexible, high-shrink-ratio, flame-retardant, general purpose, polyolefin tubing. This product is used for insulation and strain relief of …
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RNF-3000-18/6-6-SP is a flexible, high-shrink-ratio, flame-retardant, general purpose, polyolefin tubing. This product is used for insulation and strain relief of …
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The 053007-000 is specifically formulated and designed to provide optimum high-temperature fluid resistance and longterm heat resistance. This unique balance …
Obtener productoRaychem
This heat shrink boot is designed to be used in conjunction with other System 25 components such as DR-25 tubing …
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