Raychem Lista de productos
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The NB14354001 is a heat-shrinkable tub that has a cost-effective choice for many commercial and military applications; electrically insulates and …
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The NB13052001 is a high-quality, heat-shrinkable product for a wide variety of uses. It has become the industry standard for …
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The NB14284001 is a heat-shrinkable tub that has a cost-effective choice for many commercial and military applications; electrically insulates and …
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The EC9901-000 is designed specifically to bridge the gap for installations where the highest performance is demanded from an identification …
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Yellow, 3:1, Single wall tubing, Shrinks to 1 mm, Irradiated modified polyolefin, 3 mm inner diameter.
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The EM7482-000 is a heat-shrinkable tub that's made from a specially formulated, crosslinked polyolefin with low recovery temperature, excellent flexibility, …
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The E40870-000 provides electrical insulation and strain relief of in-line components, electrical connections, wire terminations, and splices. It can be …
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The 2544650001 is a thin wall, light weight, fast recovery 3:1 shrink ratio sleeve, allowing the customer to cover a …
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The E32151-000 provides electrical insulation and strain relief of in-line components, electrical connections, wire terminations, and splices. It can be …
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The EC6640-000 is a ultra-violet light resistant, heat shrink identification marker sleeve that is presented as cut sleeve organised in …
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