LAPP Lista de productos
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The 2170918 is a industrial ethernet cable for generic cable system. This product is also suitable for fixed installation. Features …
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The 2170919 is a flexible industrial ethernet cable for generic cable system. This product is also suitable for occasional flexing. …
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The 27400404 is a universal glass fibre optic cable with central loose tube, non-metallic strength elements, longitudinally and laterally watertight, …
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The 0012626 is a flexible data cable with a blue outer sheath for intrinsically safe circuits for use in explosive …
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The 1591152 is an outdoor telecommunication cable, specially layered jacket for use as directly and indirectly buried/ burial cable. Features …
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The 2170385 is a bus cable for use in utility vehicles with extended requirements, like higher temperature range, restistance against …
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The 28052009 is suitable indoor breakout cable for direct connector assembly, 2 tight-buffered simplex units, halogen-free outer sheaths. Features Mechanical …
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Flexible buscable with PVC outer sheath, for use in different bussystems. For bus systems like e.g. Modbus, SUCOnet, Modulink, VariNet. …
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The 2170590 is an ethernet cable category 6A, Class EA for highly flexible use with FC inner sheath - verified …
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The 26000112 is an indoor breakout cable for direct connector assembly, with up to 12 tight-buffered simplex units, flame-retardant and …
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