LAPP Lista de productos
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This 700730 is a highly flexible and oil resistant servo cable suitable for mounting either in the equipment or in …
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The 15340042 is a multi-core halogen-free, highly flame retardant cable for use in railway vehicles and buses. This product is …
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Screened servo cable with PUR outer sheath for highly dynamic power chain application in harsh conditions with UL/CSA AWM and …
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Highly flame retardant cable with reduced insulation wall thickness for use in railway vehicles. It is designed for fixed and …
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The 15345006 is a highly flame retardant cable for use in railway vehicles and buses. This product is designed for …
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The 700702 is a robust oil-resistant shielded motor cable for VFD drives. Due to the enhanced electrical properties of its …
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The 1123803 is a cost-effective halogen-free single core power cable with improved fire characteristics for occasional flexible use and fixed …
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The 7027060 is a PVC power and control cable designed for use in commercial vehicles under medium mechanical load conditions. …
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Signal cable for occasional flexible use and fixed installation subject to normal mechanical load conditions. It is also suitable for …
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Motor connection cable is high-flexible, screened, oil-resistant, halogen free with an outer sheath of Polyurethane. It is suitable for use …
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