METCAL Lista de productos
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Solder Cartridge, Chisel, 2.5 mm, 30° The STP-CH20 is the standard soldering tip, it can be used with leaded and …
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Soldering Tip, Chisel, 1.5 mm. The SCV-CH15A is the standard soldering tip, it can be used with leaded and lead-free …
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Conical Tip (GT6), Bent, Reach, (Ø x L) 0.5 mm x 15.0 mm. The GT6-CN1505R replaceable tip with its best …
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With the plunger for syringes, a wide variety of media can be dispensed without the use of compressed air. The …
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Conical Tip (GT4), Bent, Reach, (Ø x L) 1.3 mm x 22.0 mm. The GT4-CN2213R replaceable tip with its best …
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Soldering Cartridge, Sharp, Bent, 0.5 mm, 30° The SSC-747A is the standard soldering tip, it can be used with leaded …
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Soldering Cartridge, Chisel, Extra Large, 5.3 mm. The SSC-617A is the standard soldering tip, it can be used with leaded …
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Hoof Tip (GT4), Concave, (Bevel/L) 60° x 2.1 mm, (Ø x L) 1.0 mm x 12.0 mm. The GT4-HF6010V replaceable …
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Rework Cartridge, Hoof 1.27 mm. The SSC-667A is the standard soldering tip, it can be used with leaded and lead-free …
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