METCAL Lista de productos
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Rework Cartridge, Hoof, 1.5 mm. The SFP-DRH15 is the standard soldering tip, it can be used with leaded and lead-free …
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Dispensing brushes with Luer-Lock connections are suitable for "spread" applications such as glue and grease. The hard, "-STIFF" bristles are …
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Solder Cartridge, Chisel, 3.5 mm. The STP-CH35 is the standard soldering tip, it can be used with leaded and lead-free …
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Rework Tip, Knife, 3.0 mm. The STV-DRK30AR is the standard soldering tip, it can be used with leaded and lead-free …
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Soldering Cartridge, Chisel, 1.0 mm. The SCP-CH10 is the standard soldering tip, it can be used with leaded and lead-free …
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Rubber pistons are lubricated for manual dispensing with syringes. A wide variety of media can be dispensed without the use …
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Chisel Tip (GT6), Power, (W x L) 1.0 mm x 6.0 mm. The GT6-CH0014P replaceable tip with its best in …
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