LAPP Lista de productos
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ÖLFLEX® CLASSIC 100 - flexible PVC cable, colour coded, control cable for various applications, 300/500V, also for YSLY or YY. …
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The 1024360 is a heat resistant, highly flame retardant, multi core cable with a cross-linked polyolefin copolymer compound for occasional …
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Features Stress crack resistant to frequent ambient temperature fluctuations High dielectric strength and high abrasion resistance High elongation resistance and …
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The 0091391 is suitable for fixed installation and wiring of electrical cabinets, motors and within machines, lightings and appliances at …
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ÖLFLEX® 550 P - PUR power cable, harmonized according H05BQ-F / H07BQ-F type for oil and abrasion resistant use witgh …
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The 0026523 is high flexible power and control cable for flexible use and fixed installation for normal mechanical load conditions. …
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The 1600811 is halogen-free, heat-resistant hose cables for heavy stress and especially for applications where low smoke density and low …
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The 1600301 is a flexible single-conductor rubber cable for use in railway vehicles and omnibuses as well as in dry …
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This 1120833 is color-coded control cable for occasional flexible use and fixed installation under moderate mechanical stress. It is suitable …
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The 85153009is a halogen free, highly flame retardant DC power cable with internal and external wiring within Energy Storage System(ESS). …
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