LAPP Lista de productos
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Features High dielectric strength and high abrasion resistance Low water absorption Resistant to microbes Adhesion free insulation materials Applications For …
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The 1023603 is a solar cable suitable for permanent outdoor use and especially for the interconnection of grounded and ungrounded …
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The 4519016 is a harmonised, flexible single conductor for protected fixed installation. Features Flame retardant Applications Low-voltage switching and distribution …
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The 4502442S is a stranded hook-up wire for telecommunication device and electronic component. This cable is suited for occasional flexing …
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The 4527013 is a single-conductor cables with thermoplastic PVC-insulation for installation inside of closed conduits and cable ducting systems and …
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The 4724061 is a halogen-free, low smoke cable with cross-linked insulation and low emission of corrosive gases. For wiring of …
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The 4515042 is a harmonised, flexible single conductor for protected fixed installation. Features Flame retardant Applications Internal wiring of devices …
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The 610804 is an industrial grade multi-purpose extra hard usage cordage and tray cable with superior oil performance for long …
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The 1600306 is a flexible single-conductor rubber cable for use in railway vehicles and omnibuses as well as in dry …
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The 11101301 is a high flexible power cable for flexible use and fixed installation medium mechanical load conditions. This product …
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