EFB Elektronik Lista de productos

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    EFB Elektronik

    The MTPF24MTPFOS2-5-A is a 24 fiber matrix patch cable suitable for transmission links up to 100 Gigabit. Singlemode variant always …

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    EFB Elektronik

    The LC HD Uniboot Jumper has a long unlock latch, due to unlock in the easiest way in HD patchpanel. …

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    EFB Elektronik

    HighSpeed HDMI-DVI cable, HDMI A - DVI 24+1 M-M 2 m, black.

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    EFB Elektronik

    The MTPF12MTPFOM4-3-A is a 12 fiber matrix patch cable suitable for transmission links up to 100 Gigabit. Singlemode variant always …

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    EFB Elektronik

    The Cat.6A RJ45 patch cable guarantees very good characteristics for 10 Gigabit Ethernet applications. The patch cable is composed of …

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    EFB Elektronik

    USB 2.0 connection cable A - mini B (5 pole) for data transmission rates up to 480 Mbit/s. Wire diameter: …

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    EFB Elektronik

    HDMI High Speed Cable with Ethernet, 1x Angled. Features HDMI High Speed Cable with Ethernet, one-sided angled Meets protection system …

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    EFB Elektronik

    Features USB 3.2 - maximum possible transmission rate 5 Gbit/s Maximum possible electical power 15 W Type-C reversible plug

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    EFB Elektronik

    The Cat.6A RJ45 patch cable manufactured in Europe guarantees very good characteristics for 10 Gigabit Ethernet applications. The patch cable …

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    EFB Elektronik

    The Cat.5e RJ45 patch cable manufactured in Europe guarantees very good characteristics for 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet applications. The patch cable …

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