EFB Elektronik Lista de productos
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The MTPF72MTPFOM4-5-A is a 72 fiber matrix patch cable suitable for transmission links up to 100 Gigabit. Singlemode variant always …
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The EK318.10 is a beige mouse/keyboard connection cable with two PS/", both male to male, with a length of 10.0 …
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The Cat.5e RJ45 patch cable manufactured in Europe guarantees very good characteristics for 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet applications. The patch cable …
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The Cat.5e RJ45 patch cable manufactured in Europe guarantees very good characteristics for 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet applications. The patch cable …
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The Cat.5e RJ45 patch cable manufactured in Europe guarantees very good characteristics for 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet applications. The patch cable …
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The K5430SW.5 is a black HighSpeed HDMI cabel, A-A male to male connector with ethernet up tp 4K30 Hz.
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The Cat.5e RJ45 patch cable manufactured in Europe guarantees very good characteristics for 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet applications. The patch cable …
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The O1403.3 Fiber jumper (patchcord) is defined as shortest connection between passive interface and active deviceport, regarding structured cabling standard. …
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USB 2.0 connection cable A-B, supports data transmission rates up to 480 Mbit/s. Wire construction: AWG 28 / AWG 24. …
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The MTPF12LCOM5-7,5 is a 12-fiber patch cable OM5 suitable for transmission links up to 100 Gigabit. It has a 6 …
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