Raychem Lista de Produtos
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The 400123-000 is a heatshrink boot backshell. This product is designed to terminate a heat shrinkable lipped boot to a …
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Screened Backshells & Adapters, Straight, Cable entry diameter 9.53 mm, Aluminum alloy, Cadmium (SAE AMS-QQ-P-416, Type II, Class 3), 54.
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The CH4722-000 is a one-part assembly for screened and unscreened cable. Constructed from heat-shrinkable screened molded parts and connector adapters, …
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The 533507-000 is a one-part assembly for screened and unscreened cable. Constructed from heat-shrinkable screened molded parts and connector adapters, …
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The 687442-000 is a low profile heatshrink boot backshell. This product is designed to terminate a heat shrinkable lipped boot …
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The 808652-000 is a heatshrink boot backshell. This product is designed to terminate a heat shrinkable lipped boot to a …
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The 961547-000 is a tinel ring backshell with a low profile 360° screen termination by a heat shrink memory metal …
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The 162055-000 is a tinel ring backshell with a low profile 360° screen termination by a heat shrink memory metal …
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Rectangular contact insert, Contact insert, Pin, Wire-to-Wire, 10 Position, Sealable, 1.5 A.
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