Raychem Elenco dei prodotti
Scopri la qualità dei prodotti Raychem a prezzi competitivi. Con la garanzia di PARTS HUB LLC, siamo qui per soddisfare le tue esigenze industriali con una vasta gamma di prodotti, dai sensori alle valvole, dai connettori ai motori e accoppiamenti.
Raychem è solo una delle molte marche che offriamo; puoi anche procurarti altri marchi di ricambi industriali tramite di noi.
The A81736-000 offers excellent physical, chemical, and electrical properties that meet or exceed commercial, industrial and military standards for highly …
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The EC6665-000 is a ultra-violet light resistant, heat shrink identification marker sleeve that is presented as cut sleeve organised in …
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The CB5316-000 provides a simple, positive splice-sealing method that offers protection under adverse environmental conditions. Tubing supplied with standard sealant …
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The 811100-000 is a heat-shrinkable, flexible, fluid-resistant modified fluoro-elastomer that is designed to be used in conjunction. This product provides …
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This heat shrink boot is designed to be used in conjunction with other System 25 components such as DR-25 tubing …
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This heat shrink boot is designed to be used in conjunction with other System 25 components such as DR-25 tubing …
Ottieni il prodottoRaychem
This heat shrink boot is designed to be used in conjunction with other System 25 components such as DR-25 tubing …
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This heat shrink boot is designed to be used in conjunction with other System 25 components such as DR-25 tubing …
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The 604252-000 is designed for use in general harnessing applications where toughness is required and systems are occasionally exposed tofluids …
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DR-25-NR566-0-SP is a heat-shrinkable, flexible, chemical andabrasion resistant tubing. This product is specially formulated for optimum high-temperature fluid resistance, and …
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