Wiha Lista de productos
Descubre la alta calidad de los productos de Wiha a precios competitivos. Con la garantía de PARTS HUB LLC, estamos aquí para satisfacer tus necesidades industriales con una amplia gama de productos, desde sensores hasta válvulas, conectores hasta motores y acoplamientos.
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Application: Particularly suitable for dry applications. DIN ISO 2380.
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Blade: Chrome-vanadium steel, through hardened, shiny nickel-plated. Standards: In accordance with ISO 2936L. Technical Data Tip Type: Hexagon Size: 4 …
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Blade: Chrome-vanadium steel, through hardened, burnished. Standards: In accordance with ISO 2936K. Extra: Common key sizes are clearly stored in …
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Increases your efficiency: Fastening without interruption thanks to a finely toothed ring ratchet. Increases your flexibility: Variably adjustable right or …
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Blade: Chrome-vanadium steel, through hardened, matt chrome-plated. Standards: According to ASME B18. 3. application: Lifting or inserting inch screws from …
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Head shape: Size identification of the hole punch in the viewing window. Design: Locking latch and 6 exchangeable punched holes, …
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Blade: Chrome-vanadium steel, through hardened, titanium silver. Application: For all TORX® bolting applications. Extra: Space-saving ProStar allows easy removal of …
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Lowers your costs: Durable thanks to high-quality, chrome-plated plier surface to prevent corrosion. Protects your health: Reduces strain from continuous …
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Blade: Chrome-vanadium steel, through hardened, shiny nickel-plated. Handle: Wiha Classic cross handle. Application: To transmit high torques with low fatigue. …
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Simplifies your work: The variable handle position allows power and quick screw connections. Saves time: Due to the simple operation, …
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