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The REF102AU/2K5 is a precision 10 V voltage reference. The drift is laser-trimmed to 2.5ppm/°C max C-grade over the industrial …
Obtener productoTexas Instruments
The TL431CLPR device is a three-terminal adjustable shunt regulator, with specified thermal stability over applicable automotive, commercial, and military temperature …
Obtener productoTexas Instruments
The UC3844D provides the features that are necessary to implement off-line or DC-to-DC fixed-frequency current-mode control schemes, with a minimum …
Obtener productoTexas Instruments
The SN75176BP differential bus transceiver is an integrated circuits designed for bidirectional data communication on multipoint bus transmission lines. This …
Obtener productoTexas Instruments
The TL494CN device incorporates all the functions required in the construction of a pulse-width-modulation (PWM) control circuit on a single …
Obtener productoTexas Instruments
The ULN2003AD device is high-voltage, high-current Darlington transistor array. It consists of seven NPN Darlington pairs that feature high-voltage outputs …
Obtener productoTexas Instruments
The LM395T is fast, monolithic power integrated circuit with complete overload protection. This devices, which act as high gain power …
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