SCHNEIDER Lista de productos
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The A9F05410 is a low voltage miniature circuit breaker. It is a 4P circuit breaker with 4 protected poles and …
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The 18612 is a low voltage circuit breaker. It is a 1P circuit breaker with 1 protected pole and 20 …
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The A9F95404 is a low voltage miniature circuit breaker. It is a 4P circuit breaker with 4 protected poles and …
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The 18803 is a low voltage circuit breaker. It is a 3P circuit breaker with 3 protected poles and 32 …
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The A9F05106 is a low voltage miniature circuit breaker. It is a 1P circuit breaker with 1 protected pole and …
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The 18876 is a low voltage circuit breaker. It is a 2P circuit breaker with 2 protected poles and 80 …
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The A9N18511 is a multistandard low voltage miniature circuit breaker. It is a 3P circuit breaker with 3 protected poles …
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The M9F22205 is a low voltage miniature circuit breaker. It is a 2P circuit breaker with 2 protected poles and …
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The A9F04106 is a low voltage miniature circuit breaker. It is a 1P circuit breaker with 1 protected pole and …
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The 18649 is a low voltage circuit breaker. It is a 4P circuit breaker with 4 protected poles and 10 …
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