RAFI Lista de productos
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RAFIX 16 F keylock switch, with latching contact function, opaque black.
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The elegant and flat E-BOX is the complete housing for RAFIX 22 FS+ control devices. It is used where individual …
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The RF 19 gold tactile switches have a 19 x 19 mm edge length, reliable gold contacts and a noticeable …
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RAFIX control units are modular units consisting of several parts. In the RAFIX 22 QR family, they always consist of …
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Signal indicator, flush lens with collar metallized, with IP65 degree of protection.
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Illuminated push button, round collar with IP65 degree of protection.
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RAFIX control devices are defined at RAFI as modular elements, consisting of an actuating element, if necessary a coupling and …
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Cable feed-through for front panels. Front side USB 3.0 or RJ45, rear side with corresponding sockets in the housing or …
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The 5456390536100 is a black threaded ring for front panel thickness from 2.5 to 4 mm. Applications Measurement-control-regulation Electrical engineering …
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