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Power relay, Industrial panel plug-In, Monostable, DC, 1100 mW Coil Power Rating DC, 11000 Ω Coil Resistance. Features Four pole …
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The 9-1393030-4 is featured in Industrial applications, where silent, fast and long electrical life in switching is required. This product …
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Relay accessories, Sockets & Clips, Accessory, Stainless steel, R10 Relays, Hold-Down spring. Features 4 pole relay Hold down springs
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Power relay, Industrial panel plug-In, Monostable, DC, 900 mW Coil Power Rating DC, 2600 Ω Coil Resistance. Features Four pole …
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The 3-1393030-1 is featured in industrial applications, where silent, fast and long electrical life in switching is required. It is …
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Features Contact arrangement to 3PDT Plain case Accepted pin pattern for HVAC industry Primarily designed for the HVAC industry
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Power relay, Industrial panel plug-In, Monostable, AC, 1.35 VA Coil Power Rating AC, 3900 Ω Coil Resistance. Applications Industrial Control …
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Power relay, Industrial panel plug-In, Monostable, DC, 1250 mW Coil Power Rating DC, 10000 Ω Coil Resistance. Features Contact arrangements …
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The 3-1393030-0 is featured in industrial applications, where silent, fast and long electrical life in switching is required. It is …
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Power relay, Industrial panel plug-In, Monostable, AC, 2.9 VA Coil Power Rating AC, 1700 Ω Coil Resistance. Features Contact arrangements …
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