NEUTRIK Lista de productos
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Hand tool for tightening the bushing of the powerCON TRUE1 TOP, FXX and speakON FXX series.
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Hand tool to hold the barrel of the PX series while the boot is tightened. With HTPXS the barrel can …
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Hand tool for tightening the bushing of the XLR XX-14 series, jumboPLUG and etherCON CAT6A.
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Coax cable stripper for Neutrik rearTWIST BNC connector assemblies. By exchanging the insert with the CS-BNC-TCI cassette, the same BNC …
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Selftapping TAPTITE screw M2.5 DIN 7500 for B-Series, zinc plated blue.
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Black self-tapping PLASTITE screw 2.9 x 1.06 tri-rondular configurations, 12 mm long, countersunk.
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Black self-tapping PLASTITE screw 2.9 x 1.05 triangle-shaped configuration, 8 mm long, panhead. Suitable for A, AA, Combo and speakON …
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Nickel self-tapping PLASTITE screw 2.9 x 1.06 tri-rondular configuration, 12 mm long, countersunk.
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3 pole XLR female - 5 pole XLR female (gender conversion adapter). Versatile, pre-wired and ready to use adapters to …
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