METCAL Lista de productos
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Maintenance kit for use with MX-DS1 hand-piece and MX-500 soldering systems.
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The stainless steel dispensing needle consist of a silicone and chloride free polypropylene body with a Luer-Lock connection and a …
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Board holder pin kit includes (2) discs, (2) Long pins, and (2) short pins.
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Solder Cartridge, Chisel, 1.0 mm, 30° The STP-BVL10 is the standard soldering tip, it can be used with leaded and …
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The SxP Cartridges are for use with the MFR-H1-SC soldering cartridge hand-piece of the MFR Single and Dual Platforms (MFR-1100 …
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Conical Tip (GT6), Bent, Reach, (Ø x L) 1.3 mm x 22.0 mm. The GT6-CN2213R replaceable tip with its best …
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Syringe end caps prevent the medium used from leaking and drying out. They are made of polyethylene and sold in …
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