
Loctite Lista de productos

Descubre la alta calidad de los productos de Loctite a precios competitivos. Con la garantía de PARTS HUB LLC, estamos aquí para satisfacer tus necesidades industriales con una amplia gama de productos, desde sensores hasta válvulas, conectores hasta motores y acoplamientos.

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    LOCTITE 4902

    LOCTITE 4902 is a higly flexible, low viscosity, instant adhesive. This formula offers significant performance enhancements, including increased strength in …

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    LOCTITE AA 350

    LOCTITE AA 350 is a transparent, light amber, medium viscosity, UV light-cured acrylic adhesive with good resistance to chemicals and …

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    5800 CR300ML EGFD

    Loctite 5800 is a single component, medium strength, anaerobic sealant which cures when confined in the absence of air between …

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    LOCTITE SF 7386

    LOCTITE SF 7386 is a transparent, yellow to light amber colored, liquid activator to initiate the cure of modified acrylic …

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    LOCTITE AA 319

    LOCTITE AA 319 is a 1-component acrylic-based adhesive that offers structural bonding solutions for materials such as glass, metal, ceramics …

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    LOCTITE EA E01 is a clear, 2-part, general purpose, fast setting, 1:1 epoxy adhesive. It will bond to a wide …

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    LOCTITE LB 8151

    LOCTITE LB 8151 is a heavy-duty anti-seize spray designed to prevent joints from seizing and corroding when exposed to high …

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    LOCTITE SI 5900

    LOCTITE SI 5900 is a low strength, moisture-cured, thixotropic silicone-based paste. Typical applications include stamped sheet metal covers (timing covers …

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    LOCTITE AA 352

    LOCTITE AA 352 is a transparent, amber, acrylic adhesive cured by activator and UV light. It is designed for applications …

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    LOCTITE AA V5004 A/B

    LOCTITE AA V5004 is a 2-part structural acrylic adhesive. The cured product is virtually transparent making it well suited for …

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