LITTELFUSE Lista de productos
Descubre la alta calidad de los productos de LITTELFUSE a precios competitivos. Con la garantía de PARTS HUB LLC, estamos aquí para satisfacer tus necesidades industriales con una amplia gama de productos, desde sensores hasta válvulas, conectores hasta motores y acoplamientos.
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A miniature overmolded reed switch, with normally open contacts, is capable of switching up to 200 VDC at 10 W. …
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A miniature changeover switch with a glass envelope, capable of switching 175 VDC at 5 W. It has hermetically sealed …
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A small plastic barrel sensor, with normally open contacts, allows for simple installation and adjustment using the supplied retaining nuts. …
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A miniature PCB-mountable reed switch with a normally open contact configuration. Operates through non-ferrous materials such as wood, plastic or …
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A sub-miniature, normally open switch with a glass envelope, and capable of switching 200 VDC at 20 W with close …
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A sub-miniature, surface-mounting, normally open switch with a glass envelope, capable of switching 200 VDC at 10 W. It has …
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A small flange mounting hall effect sensor with a digital output and a three-wire version. Its case design enables screw …
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A high-temperature flange mounting reed sensor with normally open and high voltage contacts. It has a compact size, easy installation …
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A sub-miniature, normally open switch with a glass envelope, capable of switching 200 VDC at 10 W. It has hermetically …
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A miniature flange-mounted reed sensor with normally open contacts. It has a compact size, easy installation and effective concealment in …
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