LAPP Lista de productos
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The 4571122 is a flat ground strap/flat strip ground electrod is ideal for use in control cabinet manufacture. Applications Control …
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The 4571216 is a copper rope - fine-wired tinned copper conductor for the construction of meshed equipotential bonding systems. This …
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The 4571210 is a copper rope - multi-wired tinned copper conductor for the construction of meshed equipotential bonding systems. This …
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Flexible ground strap made of tinned copper wires and contact sleeves made of copper sheet.
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Flexible VFD cable with a pair for brake or temperature sensor. Features Flame-retardant Oil-resistant Sunlight Resistant Applications Connecting cable between …
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The 15381014 is single-core highly flame retardant cable for use in railway vehicles and buses. This product is designed for …
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The 0028126 is a special cable for torsion and bending stresses. It can be used for the transmission of control …
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The 2027027 is a high flexible PVC control cable with a suspension strand and cold-flexible PVC jacket for use in …
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The 2027024 is a high flexible PVC control cable with a suspension strand and cold-flexible PVC jacket for use in …
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Flexible VFD cable with a pair for brake or temperature sensor. Features Flame-retardant Oil-resistant Sunlight Resistant Applications Connecting cable between …
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