LAPP Lista de productos
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The 2208040/152 is an industrial grade tray cable with superior oil performance for long cable life. It has a pressure …
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Features Resistant to oil and drilling fluids Abrasion and notch-resistant Halogen-free and flame-retardant Flexible at low temperatures Mechanical resistance Interference …
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Features Flame-retardant Oil-resistant Good chemical resistance Interference signals High degree of screening Low transfer impedance Applications Plant engineering Industrial machinery …
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Features Designed for 2 million alternating bending cycles and travel distances up to 10 meter Suitable for torsional applications which …
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Features Flame-retardant No flame-propagation Halogen-free Low smoke density Oil-resistant UV and weather-resistant Ozone-resistant Applications Railway applications Public buildings like airports …
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The 30016600 is a glass fibre insulated power cable for use in blast furnaces, glassworks, motor construction. This product ensures …
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Features Resistant to oil and drilling fluids Abrasion and notch-resistant Halogen-free and flame-retardant Resistant to hydrolysis and microbes Mechanical resistance …
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ÖLFLEX® 400 P - PUR control cable for oil-, notch- and abrasion resistant application in industrial machinery, appliances, intrumentation, control …
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The 1027105 is a highly flexible, screened control cable with PVC insulation and PVC inner/outer sheath. This product is designed …
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The 85153004is a halogen free, highly flame retardant DC power cable with internal and external wiring within Energy Storage System(ESS). …
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