Kingbright Lista de productos
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The high efficiency red source color device is made with gallium arsenide phosphide on gallium phosphide orange light emitting diode. …
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The super bright red source color device is made with AlGaInP on Si substrate light emitting diode. Features 10 mm …
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The hyper red source color device is made with AlGaInP on GaAs substrate light emitting diode. The green source color …
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The hyper red source color device is made with AlGaInP on GaAs substrate light emitting diode. The green source color …
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The super bright green source color device is made with gallium phosphide green light emitting diode. Features Uniform light emitting …
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The green source color device is made with InGaN on Sapphire light emitting diode. It is recommended to use a …
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The hyper red source color device is made with AlGaInP on GaAs substrate light emitting diode. Features Uniform light emitting …
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The yellow source color device is made with gallium arsenide phosphide on gallium phosphide yellow light emitting diode. Features 10 …
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The super bright red source color device is made with AlGaInP on Si substrate light emitting diode. Features Low power …
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The blue source color device is made with InGaN light emitting diode. It is recommended to use a wrist band …
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