EPCOS Lista de productos
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2-line filter IEC inlet filter Features Easy to install Compact design Cost optimized construction Degree of protection front side with …
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2-line filter SIFI-H for very high insertion loss Features Easy to install Compact design Optimized leakage current < 0.5 mA …
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2-line filter SIFI-H for very high insertion loss Features Easy to install Compact design Optimized leakage current < 0.5 mA …
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2-line filter SIFI-B for enhanced insertion loss Features Easy to install Compact design Optimized leakage current Applications Switch-mode power supplies …
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2-line filter SIFI-F for normal insertion loss Features Easy to install Compact design Cost-optimized construction Applications Switch-mode power supplies Industrial …
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2-line filter SIFI-E for very high insertion loss Features Easy to install Compact design Optimized leakage current < 0.5 mA …
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Features High energy absorption capability Low leakage current Long-term ESD stability RoHS-compatible, lead-free
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Features SMD NTC with/ without inner electrodes Nickel barrier termination Excellent long-term aging stability in high temperature environment
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Features Uni curve sensor Short response time High temperature accuracy between 0 °C and 70 °C Excellent long-term stability Epoxy …
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Features High energy absorption capability Low leakage current Long-term ESD stability RoHS-compatible, lead-free
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