ELMEKO Lista de productos

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    Enclosure Heater SH 100D (400V AC/DC)

    • Zur Vermeidung von Temperaturschwankungen und Kondensation • Mit Festwiderstand für Sonderspannungen • Befestigung mit Halteclip auf Tragschiene • Anschluss …

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    Hygrostat HYW 90

    Humidity switch for protection of electronics against humidity, f.e. together with a heater or dehumidifyer

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    Thermostat TFH 05

    Thermostat with pre-set temperature, NC, Switch temperature 5°C, suitable for enclosure heaters

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    Thermostat THRV 22

    Double thermostat for controlling fans and heaters. Two independent switching thermostats with high switching capacity, in a compact housing. 1x …

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