EFB Elektronik Lista de productos

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    EFB Elektronik

    Switching wire, YV 2 x 0.5/0.9 white-yellow, ring 100 m.

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    EFB Elektronik

    BNC Strain Relief Boots RG174, black.

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    EFB Elektronik

    The K9210.25 is a robust special rubber cable drum, complete with Cat.8.2 S/FTP installation cable, integrated outlet Cat.8.1 1 x …

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    EFB Elektronik

    Connecting cable with 2 LSA plugs 2/4 4-pole, for 2-pole and 4-pole switching.

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    EFB Elektronik

    The K9211.25 is a robust special rubber cable drum, complete with Cat.8.2 S/FTP installation cable, integrated outlet Cat.8.1 1 x …

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    EFB Elektronik

    Fiber jumper (patchcord) are defined as shortest connection between passive interface and active deviceport, regarding structured cabling standard. Rating of …

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    EFB Elektronik

    Fiber jumper (patchcord) are defined as shortest connection between passive interface and active deviceport, regarding structured cabling standard. Rating of …

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    EFB Elektronik

    USB 2.0 Connection Cable Type A Plug to Type Micro-B Plug, Classic, 1.8 m, black.

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    EFB Elektronik

    Fiber jumper (patchcord) are defined as shortest connection between passive interface and active deviceport, regarding structured cabling standard. Rating of …

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    EFB Elektronik

    The EK143.3 is a serial laplink cable with two DSub 9 connectors, both female to female, measuring 1.8 meters in …

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