Bernstein Lista de productos
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ESD Tool holder made of steel for the storage of tweezers and pliers, clearly arranged and ready to hand at …
Obtener productoBernstein
The plastic jaws fit perfectly on any vise with steel jaws due to their double magnetic bar. They protect sensitive …
Obtener productoBernstein
The STOREY tool holder was developed as a practical storage for ESD hand tools so that your tools are always …
Obtener productoBernstein
The 50 mm protective jaws consist of a cork covering with pressure lock and are able to use to ball …
Obtener productoBernstein
ESD means Electrostatic Discharge, and stands for the electrostatic discharge (potential equalisation) which occurs between charged bodies through direct contact …
Obtener productoBernstein
ESD Tool holder made of steel for the storage of tweezers, clearly arranged and ready to hand at any time. …
Obtener productoBernstein
Features Precision ball joint 360° rotatable Infinitely adjustable quick clamping For screwing to the workbench (place dimensions: 150x106mm) 50 mm …
Obtener productoBernstein
The plastic protective jaws sit perfectly on any vice with steel jaws due to their double magnetic strip. The lint-free …
Obtener productoBernstein
The plastic protective jaws sit perfectly on any vice with steel jaws due to their double magnetic strip. They protect …
Obtener productoBernstein
Electronic Gripping Pliers, chrome-plated, 130 mm, made of high-quality steel alloy with inductively-hardened blades.
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