Weller Lista de productos
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Clean and remove residual solder from your soldering iron tips without water with soldering brass tip cleaner with silicone holder. …
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Soldering tip pastening nut, suitable for W60/W61 soldering iron.
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Desoldering iron Robust for horizontal working, without safety rest Features With eccentric mounting Integrated solder baffle Only 35 seconds heating …
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Easy-Click 60 Hose connector, straight for WFE 2S / WFE 4S, Zero Smog 4V / Zero Smog 6V and pre …
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WXD 2 230V F/G
2-Channel Power Unit, 200 W (255 W) FEATURES Patented, ESD safe glass display. Simple and fast setting of soldering parameter …
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SAC M1 Solder Wire, Ø 1,0 mm, 250 g Designed to enhance the quality of all your soldering jobs, Weller‘s …
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Solder on-the-go with soldering iron & heat tool. 25W-75W butane iron provides continuous no-stop soldering. With quick and easy butane …
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WSR 200
2-in-1 safety rest with metal wool brass and sponge FEATURES Safety rests The user is free to chose between dry …
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