NEUTRIK Lista de productos
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Horizontal PCB mount RJ45 receptacle, B-Series cutout with latch lock, max. panel thickness 3 mm. The device offers a space …
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Right angle RJ45 feedthrough receptacle, D-shape metal flange with latch lock, mounting screws included. FEATURES Right angle CAT5e jack for …
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Panel mount receptacle with IDC punch down terminals, D-sized metal flange with latch lock, max. panel thickness 4 mm, mounting …
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RJ45 feedthrough receptacle, D-shape metal flange with the latch lock, mounting screws included. Suitable for panel mount and the installer …
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The NBB75DFIX is a isolated UHD BNC chassis connector, feedthrough in antraloy plated D-shape housing. This connector offers a low …
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The NBB75DFGX is a grounded UHD BNC chassis connector, feedthrough in antraloy plated D-shape housing. This connector offers a low …
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The BNC feed through coupler offers a true 75 Ω design for serial and digital (HD) signals. The machined brass …
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The NBB75DFI is a isolated BNC chassis connector, feedthrough in nickel D-shape housing. It offers a true 75 Ω design …
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Lockable USB Type-C chassis FEATURES Front and rear side mountable USB receptacle not in scope of delivery Reversible USB-C housing …
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Lockable USB housing type C with integrated USB port with IF approval Technical Data Assembly: Front-panel assembly Contact connection: SMT
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