Maedler Lista de productos
Descubre la alta calidad de los productos de Maedler a precios competitivos. Con la garantía de PARTS HUB LLC, estamos aquí para satisfacer tus necesidades industriales con una amplia gama de productos, desde sensores hasta válvulas, conectores hasta motores y acoplamientos.
Maedler es solo una de las muchas marcas que ofrecemos; también puedes adquirir otras marcas de repuestos industriales a través de nosotros.
Material: Outer part: Zinc-plated. Boreholes up to 12mm: free-cutting steel, turned. From boreholes 14mm: Steel C22, forged. Inner ring: Roller …
Obtener productoMaedler
Material: C15, rolled. Tolerance zone 7e. Length sawed (length may be longer than nominal length), edges not broken.
Obtener productoMaedler
Material: C15, rolled. Tolerance zone 7e. Length sawed (length may be longer than nominal length), edges not broken.
Obtener productoMaedler
Material: C15, rolled. Tolerance zone 7e. Length sawed (length may be longer than nominal length), edges not broken.
Obtener productoMaedler
Material: Thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU), white, with steel tensile member. Good resistance against oil, fats and many chemicals. Temperature range -30º …
Obtener productoMaedler
Material: Neoprene with glas-fibre tensile member. Contact surface lined with nylon reinforcement. HTD (High Torque Drive) timing belt with semi-circular …
Obtener productoMaedler
Material: Up to a Teeth Number of 40 phosphated steel, from a Teeth Number of 44 grey cast iron GG25 …
Obtener productoMaedler
Material: Up to a Teeth Number of 40 phosphated steel, from a Teeth Number of 44 grey cast iron GG25 …
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