Hammond Lista de productos
Descubre la alta calidad de los productos de Hammond a precios competitivos. Con la garantía de PARTS HUB LLC, estamos aquí para satisfacer tus necesidades industriales con una amplia gama de productos, desde sensores hasta válvulas, conectores hasta motores y acoplamientos.
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Features Ideally suited for vertical mounting of printed circuit boards (internal side walls include molded in card guides - see …
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Features Designed to house P.C. boards for hand-held use or wall mount. Molded in light grey or black general purpose …
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Utility Enclosure 127x56x56 mm, black, Al, IP32, 1411FBKBK Features Versions without mounting flanges are available in unfinished aluminum or smooth …
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Features Rugged, diecast aluminum alloy (tough - yet easy to machine), electronic instrument enclosure. Lap joint construction provides protection against …
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Utility Enclosure - Steel, Grey with Steel material and length of 406 mm
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Features Strong construction yet light weight using all aluminum components Suitable for desk top or rack mountable applications Knockdown design …
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Adjustable Depth 4-Post Rack Mount Shelf with Steel material and length of 457 to 635 mm
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15U 19" Rack Aluminium Blank Panel, Light Grey with Aluminium material and length of 483 mm
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