Fischer Elektronik Lista de productos
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Heatsink pluggable Features Universal clip-on heatsinks for design TO 220 and similar Integrated clamp geometry for a secure fixing of …
Obtener productoFischer Elektronik
Heatsink and active heatsinks for processors IC design BGA and others, Thermal conductive foil, Black anodised.
Obtener productoFischer Elektronik
Heatsink pluggable Features Universal clip-on heatsinks for design TO 218, TO 247, TO 248, SIP-Multiwatt and similar Integrated clamp geometry …
Obtener productoFischer Elektronik
Extruded heatsink for PCB mounting, attachable heatsinks with and without screw on fixing, Length: 10 mm. Features Compact heatsink in …
Obtener productoFischer Elektronik
Fan unit aggregat, compact design, homogeneous heat distribution, component assembly possible on all sides.
Obtener productoFischer Elektronik
Fan unit aggregat, compact design, homogeneous heat distribution, component assembly possible on all sides.
Obtener productoFischer Elektronik
Fan unit aggregat, compact design, homogeneous heat distribution, component assembly possible on all sides.
Obtener productoFischer Elektronik
Fan unit aggregat, compact design, homogeneous heat distribution, component assembly possible on all sides.
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