Fischer Elektronik Lista de productos
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Standard extruded heatsink with thermal resistance: 2.6-0.95 K/W, Surafce: black anodised.
Obtener productoFischer Elektronik
Copper heatsink for D PAK, Direct PCB mounting thru solderable surface, Surface: solderable surface.
Obtener productoFischer Elektronik
Attachable heatsink without soldering tag for semiconductor-design TO 222.
Obtener productoFischer Elektronik
Extruded heatsink for lock-in retaining spring, also for THFU 1-7, Profile threads, Surface: raw degreased aluminium (by the metre raw …
Obtener productoFischer Elektronik
Extruded heatsink for PCB mounting for semiconductor clip-mounting, Length: 37.5 mm.
Obtener productoFischer Elektronik
Heatsink 13.5 x 15.24 mm, also for SMD components and others, Surface: black anodised.
Obtener productoFischer Elektronik
Extruded heatsink for PCB mounting, also for transistor-design TO 218, TO 220. TO 247. TO 3 P, Surface: black anodised.
Obtener productoFischer Elektronik
Standard extruded heatsink with thermal resistance: 1.8-1.15 K/W, Surface: raw degreased aluminium (by the metre raw aluminium), Length: 1000 mm.
Obtener productoFischer Elektronik
Extruded heatsink for lock-in retaining spring for THFU 1-6, Profile threads, Surface: Black anodised.
Obtener productoFischer Elektronik
Standard extruded heatsink with thermal resistance: 0.82-0.35 K/W, Surafce: raw degreased aluminium (by the metre raw aluminium).
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