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standard circular connector, protective cap Features Triple wire sealing Interfacial seal ensured by compression of insert and static/dynamic seal Anti-friction …
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standard circular connector, protective cap Features Triple wire sealing Interfacial seal ensured by compression of insert and static/dynamic seal Anti-friction …
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Prewired: No, Connector System: Wire-to-Panel, Sealable: Yes, Connector & Contact Terminates To: Wire & Cable, Circular Connector Type: Receptacle, Keying: …
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standard circular connector, protective cap Features Triple wire sealing Interfacial seal ensured by compression of insert and static/dynamic seal Anti-friction …
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The ZPF000000000007337 is a standard circular connector that is used in it's stainless steel for harsh constraint-facing areas such as …
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The ZPF000000000008742 is a standard circular connector that is used in it's stainless steel for harsh constraint-facing areas such as …
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standard circular connector, protective cap Features Triple wire sealing Interfacial seal ensured by compression of insert and static/dynamic seal Anti-friction …
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The ZPF000000000007556 is a standard circular connector that is used in it's stainless steel for harsh constraint-facing areas such as …
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The YDTS26W11-35PNV001 is a standard circular connector that offers high density contact arrangements. This product is originally designed as military …
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The YDTS20F25-35PNV001 is a standard circular connector that offers high density contact arrangements. This product is originally designed as military …
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