Celduc Relais Lista de productos
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The SO789060 is a single phase power solid state relay designed for high inductive loads,motors (AC-53) and phase angle control …
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The SOR867070 is a zero cross solid state relay designed for most types of loads. Features Very low zero cross …
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The SUM865070 is a 45 mm pitch solid state contactor for space-saving design and ready to use with its heatsink. …
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DC solid state relay with ultra low drop out voltage at on-state (low power losses). Features Latest IGBT technology generation …
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The SO469020 is a phase angle controller with analog control to adjust power on resistive loads (linear power law response). …
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The SOL942460 is a single phase power solid state relay designed for resistive loads (AC-51). Features Green LED visualization on …
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The SWG50210 is a single phase controller. This range of controller has an analog input isolated from the mains, provided …
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The SO888060 is a single phase power solid state relay designed for most types of loads. Features Over-Voltage protection on …
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The SLA03220 is a AC Solid state relay for printed circuit board mounting and is designed for most types of …
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