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This complete joystick controller is part of the Harmony XD range. It has 2 directions with one C/O contact per …
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The XD2HL1111 is a complete joystick controller mounting diameter 30 mm with 4 directions - 2S per direction. It is …
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The ZD5PA22 is a joystick controller Ø22 2-direction spring return 1NO per direction.
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The XD2AC222 is a complete joystick controller, Harmony XD2, 30 mm, 2 directions, 2 C/O per direction, with return position …
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The XD2PA2237 is a complete joystick controller, Harmony XD2, 22mm, plastic, 2 directions, 1NO per direction, with return position 0, …
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The XD2GA82217 is a joystick controller diameter 22 mm with 2 directions - 1 NO per direction. It is part …
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The ZB5AT844 is an emergency stop / shutdown 30 mm mushroom red button head operates with a latched push-pull mechanism. …
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The XB4BS9442 is an emergency stop / shutdown 40mm mushroom head modular red push button operates with a latched key …
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The XB4BT845 combines simplicity of setup, flexibility and a robust construction. An ingenious locking system consisting of a snap fit …
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The XB5AS9445 is an emergency stop 40mm mushroom head modular red push button operates with a latched key release (key …
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